Located 1½ miles north of Amador City. In the 1850's a long tunnel was driven in the vein from a point near the base of the hill, near Rancheria Creek. In 1867 the mine had a 8 stamp mill. After years of being idle, a hoisting plant was put in place and sink renewed in the summer of 1895. In August of 1896, at a point of 375 feet from the surface a drift was cut to the south.
In 1920 the following levels were being worked: 1,800, 2,000, 2,160, 2,320, and 2,470. The 1,600 foot level of the Treasure Mine connects with the 1,500 foot of the Bunker Hill Mine to the south. The mill was operating 16 hours a day, utilizing electricty, and handling 90 tons of ore.
Owned by the Treasure Mining Company of San Francisco. Founded prior to 1867. Sometimes called the Hazard Mine. Shaft reached 3030’ on the incline with winzes. Was connected to the Bunker Hill Mine to the south at the 1600; level. Produced $1,000,000 in gold and closed in 1922.