Detail of a sturdy metal hook suspended above the shaft
Excerpt Ledger Dispatch - Nov 1, 1907
We take the following, from the Stockton Record concerning the death of Mrs Newton, widow of the late Dr Newton, after whom, we believe the Newton copper mine was named. After an illness of short duration - Mrs Mary Newton, one of the most beloved women of Northern San Joaquin, died at Woodbridge, last Friday afternoon at 3 oclock. Until a few days ago it was thought she was greatly improved and would recover, but ah apopletic stroke hastened the end. Her death was a great shock to her many friends and it has plunged the community in sadness, for she was a woman of ideal character.
Old mining equipment lies abandoned, rusting, and returning to the Earth at the site of the Newton Mine. Exploring the hills around the mine reveal a number of interesting artifacts at this former copper mine outside of Jackson, California.
The extremely polluted looking Copper Creek runs through the site of the abandoned Newton Copper Mine.
Excerpt Ledger Dispatch - Sept 3, 1909
Last week there was a rumor current hero that parties were looking over the Newton Mine with a view to buy or bond it and put it in operation again. Wednesday last the Bee correspondent has shown a letter to E. A. Merrill, which seems to confirm that rumor in the most emphatic manner. The party taking up the proposition ia the Peyton Chemical
Company, and a man named Oberg will have charge of the works. He will arrive here in a few days and take up his resideuce at the mine. The company has ordered an 8,000 gallon fuel oil tank for Merrill, which he will install at once. This move may put new lite into the several copper propositions which were prospected here several years ago.
Historic photo of the Newton Copper Mine in it's glory days.
Information, historic photographs courtesy of the Amador County Archives, The Historical Marker Database, and the Chronicling America Database