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Jesse and Mary carried on this planting, with the help of Mary's children, until 1981 when Jesse passed away. Mary passed away in 1973. It is now overseen by Mary's two children, Arthur Lucot and Mary Lucot Ryan, their spouses, her grandchildren, great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren. These generations are still planting thousands of new bulbs each year in memory of their parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and great-great grandparents



There are 540 acres at the Daffodil Hill part of the ranch. We have planted walnuts to help pay for the taxes and other operation expenses. This is strictly a family project. Judge martin Ryan, Mary's husband, does the tractor work on weekends and evenings – Art Martin and our friend, Joe Bustillos, do the pruning and cleanup.



Since our walnuts trees have grown beautifully and the crop is too much for a "family outing" to pick them, we must depend on hired crews to help us pick our crop. We still, however, knock our trees by hand; truck them to a commercial processor to be hulled and dried and delivered to Diamond Walnut Association before December 1st . We have approximately 1500 bearing trees.





All graphics created and owned by Ray and Cheryl Herndon