Upton Family
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The Upton family came as pioneers to Shenandoah Valley in 1863, led by John Dale Upton, who was born in Illinois and his wife
Mahala Teeter Upton, who was born in Virginia. They slowly migrated west with their large family from Missouri, then to Iowa, and at last to Shenandoah Valley, California, by wagon
train through Salt Lake City, Utah. Stories of the trip are still retold by their descendants.
The David and Alma Upton house and barn
Geeorge A. Upton was born to them in 1864 in Shenandoah Valley. He grew up in Shenandoah Valley and in 1901, he bought an eighty
acre ranch three miles east of Plymouth on E16, Shenandoah Road. The family has stayed in Amador County for six generations. Lloyd Upton currently owns the home and barns that his
grandfather, George A. Upton, bought in 1901. Lloyd Upton's sister, Donna Upton Lubenko, and his brother, Gary G. Upton, also still own portions of the original eighty acres that
were purchased in 1901.
The Upton home with eighty acres was purchased in 1901 by George A. Upton and his wife, Katherine "Katie" Cecelia
Schrader Upton, from John Cruson for approximatly one thousand dollars. The property also included a blacksmith barn. The family refers to it as the shop barn. There were also an
exixting vineyard, walnut trees, and fig trees. George grew oats, barley, and wheat. The written records of some grain sales are visible on the sheet metal of the grainery he built.
They raised pigs, chickens, horses, and always had two cows for milk. They had a smokehouse to smoke ham and bacon. One room in the home was used to store the smoked meat. Later the
family rased sheep.
One of several families of Uptons live now or have lived in the Shenandoah Valley. This home belonged to Sadie Upton and her late
husband John. After her death, the ranch and home have been occupied by one of their sons and his wife, Lloyd and Ginger Upton.
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All graphics created and owned by Ray and Cheryl Herndon