Henry Cooper Family
For many years this landmark home was occupied by Ruth and Henry Cooper. The original home was built by Dr. George Cooper of Angels
Camp. He came over from Angels Camp on weekends for months to build this combination stone and log home. He and his wife left the home and walnut ranch to their son, Henry, known as
Hank to everyone. The walnut orchard is still one of the largest in the valley and is still operated by their daughter Bonnie and her husband, Lyman Winther.
This odd shaped barn houses a walnut huller, dehydrator, and dryer. This means that the walnuts came in from the trees, were dried
and hulled, and made ready for market in this Prospect Hill, the highest point in Shenandoah Valley. Some folks have always referred to the hill as Hank's Hill or Cooper's
Hill since it was Cooper property from the 1920's.
Old house and shed on the original Cooper ranch. The Shenandoah Road, in years gone by, used to cut through the Cooper walnut
orchard. On this road was built a small home and some equipment sheds. No longer used as a home, in recent years it had housed both the Cooper and Deaver families, Ruth Cooper bring
originally a Deaver. Also Ken and Barbara Deaver, at one time, lived in the house. Of course it was tidy and neat in those past years.
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All graphics created and owned by Ray and Cheryl Herndon