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Wine Tanks
This winery had a 150,000 gallon capacity, one of the largest storage facilities of premium wine in the valley.
As in most older wineries, the large tanks were made of redwood. You may have noticed that the walls of the tasting room are covered with the redwood staves of these previously used
wine tanks.
No discussion of this winery or the Shenandoah Valley would be complete without mentioning the role of the Zinfandel grape and
resultant Zinfandel wine. The tanks surrounding you have contained hundreds of thousands of gallons of Zinfandel wine. Among wine connoisseurs, the Zinfandel wine produced in the
Shenandoah Valley is considered unique. With a more intense flavor, and spicy, berry aromas, it cannot be rivaled by Zinfandel grapes grown elsewhere in the state. The Zinfandel
grapes grown in this vineyard are among the oldest vines in California.
Tools Of The Trade
Tools for cutting and forming wood for use in making wooden barrels among other items.
All graphics created and owned by Ray and Cheryl Herndon