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The Farm Kitchen
Today's modern kitchen usually contains a variety of appliances which are time savers for the homemaker. As
you view this display, it is interesting to note which of these kitchen tools were the forerunners of the items we use today. Do you have a food processor in your kitchen? Few
dedicated cooks are without one but, imagine using the hand operated food processor shown here. Before processed foods were sold in useable form by your local market, items such
as the butter press, lard press, sausage stuffer, cabbage cutter and butter mold were as common in the kitchen of the past as the microwave oven is in the kitchen today.
For a moment reflect upon your grandmother's or great grandmother's kitchen and perhaps her laundry. She used an icebox,
not a refrigerator and freezer. When she baked a cake, she mixed the ingredients by hand and not with an electric mixer. When she washed the clothes, it was with a scrubboard and
possibly a hand wringer and not with an electric or gas washer and dryer. Would you want to trade places?
This old bathe tub did not have running water going to it, the water had to be heated on a wood stove, and then hauled with a
bucket and poured into it
All graphics created and owned by Ray and Cheryl Herndon