Walking down Vogan's Alley to the Footbridge across the Middle Fork of Jackson Creek, here was the ford of the middling creek which natives and goldseekers used. The nearby plaque commemorates the historic spring at or near the fording spot. Across the footbridge is a monument to Jackson's first mayor, Virgilio S. Garbarini.
Vogan's Alley
Continueing across to underground parking area and go upstairs to City Auditorium. On display is the Sesquicentennial Photographic Exhibit of the history of the village, town and city named Jackson.
Above the photo exhibit you'll discover 10 murals produced by the Amador County Arts Council and painted by various local artists or schools also illustrating important events in the city's history.
Middle Fork, Jackson Creek North
Middle Fork, Jackson Creek South
Information, photographs courtesy of the Amador County Archives, The Historical Marker Database, The Chronicling America Database, and Larry Cenotto, Amador County's Historian