
Six years later, in 1882, Great Grandpa Newton married Margaret E. Shealor, his second dearest wife, who would bear him eight more children. Jesse 1884, Edgar, 1887, Calara, one of twins. 1889.
Baby boy died at birth, the baby was buried on the north end of the property on the ranch property. Minerva, 1891, Edith, 1893, Melvin, 1896 and Almina, 1898. We do not know all of Great Grandpa Newton's ventures and what they indured coming out to the Gold Country by covered wagon in the 1800's. Great Grandpa Newton staked out 280 acres six miles above Volcano and worked their new found land, growing oat hay, raising cattle and venturing into logging with a 12 mule team logging rig. Great Grandpa Newton built a two story home with lumber that came around the Horn on ship which we know as "The Ranch". Gold brought many families to the Mother Lode and although Great Grandpa Newton had a small gold mine of his own , It was other endeavors in life that made our Great Grandpa Newton a real success in life
Margaret was born in Volcano, California, on Jan. 30, 1854 and she passed on Dec. 8, 1917 in Volcano, she is buried at the Volcano cemetery in the family plot
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