This beautiful large barn is located on the Dick Cooper ranch, formerly the Fred Ball ranch, on Shenandoah School Road. This barn
is used for sheep and lambs. The ranch buildings also include extensive repair facilities and shops for remodeling and new construction of special farm and harvest equipment. The
ranch includes walnut trees, some new, but many 50years of age or more, and an extensive prune orchard. For many years prunes were a major crop in the Shenandoah Valley. Prunes still
are grown on the Esola ranch and the Crain ranch. Prune drying and other necessary prune dipping equipment is still resting on the Esola farm. In addition, there are vineyards of
Zinfandel and Barberra grapes. Dick Cooper was reared in the Shenandoah Valley and is probably one of its best known cirizens.