The Kennedy Mine is a little more than a mile northwest of Jackson and east Highway 49. The original claim was made in
1866 by Andrew Kennedy and since then has been Consolidated with several other claims. It was a minor operation until 1871, and was inactive between 1875 and 1885. From 1885 to its
closing in 1942, the mine operated continuously, and on a major scale. The Kennedy was worked mainly through vertical shafts to a vertical depth of 5,912 feet, making itthe
deepestgold mine in the United States
There are approximately 150 miles of underground tunnels, a great deal of surface equipment, which once included
the famous Jackson Gate elevator wheels, and miles of flumes. The total production was $34,280,000. The Kennedy was closed in 1942 by order of the government while in full
All graphics created and owned by Ray and Cheryl Herndon